Honey Honey's efficacy and function---Ancient classic Chinese medicine
Honey Honey's efficacy and function---Ancient classic Chinese medicine ---昕玉轩老翠祥--- 名客网 Bright Jadeites Palace Jewelry Ltd. Co. (BJPJ Ltd. Co.) Alias: stone honey, stone meal, honey, honey, white honey, white sand honey, honey , bee sugar, Baihuajing, Zhongkouzhi Taboo people: diabetics, babies do not eat Suitable for the crowd: the general population can eat Basic introduction of honey Honey, is the nectar of insect bees collected from the flowers of flowering plants in the bee Honey brewed in the nest. The bees take about the water content from the flowers of the plant. 80% of nectar or secretions are stored in your second stomach, in the body After 30 minutes of fermentation under the action of invertase, return to the hive and spit out The temperature inside the honeycomb is often kept at around 35 °C. After a while, The water evaporates and becomes a honey with a moisture content of less than 20%, which is stored in the nest. In the hole, seal with beeswax. Honey is a natural food that tastes sweet and contains simple sugars. It can be absorbed by the body after digestion, and more for women, young children, especially the elderly. It has a good health care function and is therefore called "the milk of the elderly." The ingredients of honey contain various vitamins in addition to glucose and fructose. , minerals and amino acids, 1 kg of honey contains 2,940 calories . In addition, honey is a supersaturated solution of sugar, which will crystallize at low temperatures. The crystal which is formed is glucose, and the part which does not produce crystal is mainly fruit. sugar. The efficacy and function of honey 1. The best products for cardiovascular patients Honey can improve blood components and promote heart and brain function, so It is very beneficial to use it regularly for cardiovascular patients. 2. Protect the liver Honey has a protective effect on the liver, which can promote liver cell regeneration and fat Liver formation has a certain inhibitory effect. 3. Enhance resistance Edible honey can quickly replenish physical strength, eliminate fatigue and enhance disease resistance. 4. Sterilization Honey also has a bactericidal effect, often eating honey, not only for teeth Obstruction, can also play a role in sterilization and disinfection in the oral cavity, honey can cure Treats moderate skin damage, especially burns, and treats honey as a skin injury When the dressing is applied, the bacteria cannot grow. 5. Promote sleep Insomniacs take 1 tablespoon of honey before going to bed every day (add 1 cup of warm water) Inside) can help to get into sleep as soon as possible. 6. Promote gastrointestinal motility Honey has a regulating effect on gastrointestinal function, which can make gastric acid secretion normal. move Experiments have confirmed that honey has the effect of enhancing intestinal peristalsis and can be significantly shortened. Defecation time. The nutritional value of honey 1. Honey contains about 35% glucose and 40% fructose. The sugar can be directly absorbed by the body without digestion. 2. Honey contains a variety of inorganic salts similar to the concentration of human body, also Contains a certain amount of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, calcium, copper, Antibiotics such as phosphorus and potassium. 3. Honey contains amylase, lipase, invertase, which is contained in food. The most abundant one. Enzymes help the body to digest, absorb and absorb A substance that promotes the metabolism of substances and chemical changes. Honey purchase 1. Look at the luster and color: true honey, the naked eye, the light white texture is good, light Yellow or amber, lighter shades; luster is not very bright. false Honey is brightly colored, smashed with white sugar or pretending with syrup, so It looks very clear and translucent, usually light yellow or dark yellow. In addition Pure honey is colorless, honey is color because it is contained in honey Caused by the pollen of different plants. So dark honey nutrition needs It is more nutritious than light-colored honey, but dark honey often contains a thicker smell, such as buckwheat honey; light-colored honey, generally fragrant, such as Lychee honey, eucalyptus honey. 2. Identification of impurities: can be inserted into the honey with a red-hot wire, gasping It’s really honey, there is a fake smoke, if it’s pure honey, after the wire is pulled out, ten It is smooth and free of impurities. Pick up honey with chopsticks and pull the silk , continuous flow, silk break will automatically retract and the ball is the top. Bee Honey and water are mixed in a ratio of 1:5 and placed for one day. Product. 3. Identification of water: honey is dripped on white paper, pure honey is pearled, not Will ooze, and the honey mixed with water will gradually ooze, the faster the seepage speed, The more water is mixed. 4. Identification of heavy metals: take one tablespoon of honey and add a small half cup. In cool green tea, such as honey has been contaminated by heavy metals, tannins in tea Chemically reacts with heavy metals in honey to produce gray or brown, black Color salts. The darker the color, the more heavily the heavy metal is contaminated. . 5. Identification of starch: Put a small amount of honey into the cup, add some water to boil After cooling, add a few drops of iodine and shake well, if the solution turns blue or Red, purple, indicating that honey is mixed with starchy substances. 6. Sugar-containing identification: Honey with sugar has poor transparency and is not clear. It is turbid and has a bad floral aroma. The color of honey mixed with brown sugar is deep, mixed The honey of white sugar is light in color. You can use two fingers to feel sticky Good, grainy is sugary. 7. Appetite identification: true honey is sweet and delicious, with a slight sour taste, crystallizing The block into the tooth is crisp, containing it, while the fake honey has bitter taste, crystallized Chewing like sugar, it is crisp and loud. 8. Smell the taste identification: true honey has a light plant flavor, fake honey smells It has a pungent odor or a fruity candy. 9. Crystal identification: fake honey is not crystalline, but some fake honey is added The added sugar will also precipitate under certain conditions, forming a precipitate at the bottom of the bottle. . The crystallization of true honey and the precipitation of fake honey are easy to distinguish, honey knot The crystal is softer and can be easily smeared on the finger and has a delicate feeling. The precipitate of white sugar precipitated from fake honey is dense, and it is placed on the finger. There is a feeling of sand. In addition, where the label ingredient list indicates the ingredients such as white sugar and fructose syrup Should be fake honey. Honey storage Protect from light, pass, keep dry, when the temperature is too high, put it in the freezer save. How to eat honey If the person with bad stomach is better to drink with 30 degrees of water, no It is easy to cause diarrhea, gastroenteritis, etc. There is a saying in Chinese medicine: "The salt water in the Chao Dynasty, the honey soup in the evening." Said that : Get up early on an empty stomach and drink light salt water. Drink honey water every night before going to bed. The reason for this is: drinking light salt water in the morning can be diluted and sticky. Thick blood, and a little anti-inflammatory effect, run the stomach through the stool; late Drinking honey water helps to enhance beauty and supplement various trace elements. So, the more scientific way is to leave the honey water for drinking at night, and in the morning Get up and drink light salt water. Of course, some people have a difficult bowel movement, so get up early. Drinking honey water can help with bowel movements, or it depends on your physical condition. Fixed. Honey food phase table Honey + rice: affects digestion and absorption Honey + leeks: eating together can hinder blood circulation Honey + Spinach: Causes Heartache Honey + white: cause dysentery Honey + Tofu: Loss of hearing, diarrhea Honey + Tofu: easy to cause diarrhea Honey + lettuce: bad stomach, easy to cause diarrhea Honey + onion: eating together will hurt the eyes, causing eye discomfort, serious blindness Honey + river crab: eating together can cause poisoning, can be treated with ground water Honey + North Tofu: Loss of hearing, diarrhea Honey + Plum: Detrimental to the five internal organs Honey + thousand sheets: loss of hearing, diarrhea Honey + rice: eating stomach pain together Honey + Tofu: Loss of hearing, diarrhea Honey + Yuba: Loss of hearing, diarrhea Honey + soy milk: the protein in soy milk is higher than milk, both of which are rushed to produce Degeneration and precipitation, can not be absorbed by the body Honey + oil tofu: loss of hearing, diarrhea Honey + Garlic: the opposite Honey + boiling water: will change the sweet taste of honey, making it sour Honey + Tofu: Eating together can cause deafness, eating mung beans can be treated Honey + onion: eat eyes together, can be treated with mung bean Honey + hot water: eating together will destroy the nutrients in honey Honey + squid: poisoning together, detoxification with black beans and licorice Honey + Crab: Poisoning Should take honey + pumpkin seeds: can drive mites Honey + Yali: relieve cough Honey + Snowflake Pear: relieve cough Honey + Milk: relieve anemia and dysmenorrhea Honey + Sydney: relieve cough Honey + pear: relieve cough Honey + Carrot: Detox Honey + Artemisia: Prevent constipation Honey + Cucumber: laxative May all living beings in the world be healthy forever!
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