The true record of the three-inch villain is not the Arabian Nights 三寸小人的真实记录

The true record of the three-inch villain is not the Arabian Nights The villain often appears in legends or reality around the world. In addition to the legend of the giants, the villain also appeared in legends around the world. The most interesting story in Gulliver's Travels is Gulliver's travel in the country of small people and adults. In the country of small people, all objects such as people, animals, plants, etc. are only 1/12 of our size. On the contrary, the size of all objects is 12 times that of ours. It seems that these are not Arabian Nights. Mexico discovered the skeleton of a small man five thousand years ago Dr. Franz of the University of Berlin unearthed something strange when he investigated the caves near central Mexico. He first discovered a strange pattern on the ground and tried to dig underground. This digging is incredible. I have dug up some small and small daily necessities, and there are some small and small decorations that look like toys. At the end of the digging, the owner of these things finally appeared, a villain. This cheekbone is about 12 cm high. What's important is that this is definitely not the body of a child, because the bones are already adults. Scientists have confirmed that it was about 5,000 years ago. China’s carbon black villain in the 1940s "The World of Knowledge", 17th Luo Guisheng, "What kind of creatures are two small blacks? "The article said: My family lives in the banks of the Lijiang River in Guangxi, not far from Guilin. I remember that at noon in the 1940s, I was eating and eating while eating the rice bowl. Suddenly, on the bench of the shorts after the house, I saw two out of the cloth. A "small black man", about one inch high, is similar in proportion to the human body. The whole body is carbon black, which seems to be undressed and walks upright. They walked to the center of the stool and stood facing me. I raised my chopsticks and they raised their hands together. The sun shines their little fingers clearly. I was so scared that I picked up a stone and threw it at them. Then I ran back to the house and asked the adults to come out, but the two "little blacks" had disappeared. "Reading the Notes of the Xiaocaotang" on the record of the villain In the Qing dynasty of the Qing dynasty, the highly respected scholars and officials of the rites of the Shang dynasty, Ji Xiaolan, in his book "Notes on Reading the Weed Cottage", there are two records about the villain. The book is an overview of the life. At that time, Ji Xiaoying was the author of the article, and he once praised the "Siku Quanshu", so his notebook was credible. One of the records about the villain is compiled in the third volume of the book "Xiangyang Xiaoxia Record Three". The book describes in Urumqi (now Dihua County), often see the height of the villain only a small man, men, women and children. When the red harlequin blooms, these little people fold the stalks and put them into a small circle to wear on their heads. They sing and dance in groups. Their voices are as thin as a deer, and they are melodious. Some villains will sneak into the tents of the court garrison to steal food. If they are caught accidentally, they will lie on the ground and cry. If you tie them up, die on a hunger strike. If they were put out, they would not dare to run away immediately. Let's take a few feet away and look back. If someone chased them, they immediately fell to the ground and wept. Otherwise, they will slowly go far, and when they reach the distance that they can hardly catch up, they will quickly break into the mountains. The Qing army could not find the residence of these villains, and they did not know how they called it. Because the villain likes to wear red duvets, it is called "red grenades." At that time, Qiu County (now Huixian County, Henan Province) 丞天锦, was sent to inspect the pasture, once caught a villain, brought him back, carefully looked at, their beards and hair are the same as our ordinary people, it is not wood charm Or a monster like a mountain. The record of another villain is described in the book 18, "Auntie Listening to the Four", which was described by the Qing army keeper Jimussa. Jimussa said that he had chased the mountains and chased the mountains. When he saw someone on the cliff, he crossed the mountain to see it. In the place where the land was four or five feet away, he saw a face and hands and feet full of long black hair. The man, dressed in a purple furry cloak, is sitting on a barbecue with a beautiful, Mongolian-like woman who is not wearing shoes and wearing a green fur cloak. There are four or five black people in the service. They are only children, big and small, and they are laughing when they see people. They are neither Mongolian nor other dialects, such as birds, they don’t understand. . Looking at this situation, they are not like monsters, and Jimussa salutes them. Suddenly, throwing a thing from the cliff, I saw a half-elbow of cooked meat. Thank you again, both of them shook hands and said no thanks. The meat is enough for three or four days. After Jimusa and the Wrangler, they searched for the old ones, but they could not find them. "Tai Ping Guang Ji" on the record of the villain The 480th and 480th volumes of the Taiping Guangji, compiled in the Song Dynasty, all contain some records about the villain: 1. Northwestern Crane Country In the Hainan area of ​​the northwestern sea, there is a crane country. The person is three inches tall, but he travels thousands of miles a day, and he is often swallowed by sea cranes. Among them are also gentlemen and villains. If it is a gentleman, the natural intelligence machine becomes dexterous. Every time, because of the scourge of preparing the sea crane, it is often carved into its own shape by wood. Sometimes it reaches hundreds of places and they are placed on the waterside in the wilderness. Haihe thought it was a crane, and he swallowed it. As a result, he was killed by the wooden man. The sea crane was so tens of thousands of times. After seeing the real crane, he did not dare to swallow. Most of the crane people are beside the bank of the mountain stream, and the city is built with holes. Some 30 to 50 steps are a city. There are more than 10 million cities like this. In the spring and summer, the crane people eat grass seeds on the road, and eat grass roots in autumn and winter. In the summer, I exposed my body. When I met winter, I used small grass to make clothes. I also know how to keep my health. 2. People wax Li Zhangwu has a "man-made child" made of live-action wax, three inches long, his head, thighs, and chest are intact, his eyebrows and eyes are also very clear, saying that it is the dwarf country in ancient legends - the people of Laos . 3. Raining Wei Shi, the prince of the river filled the house, when it rained, there were eight or nine children falling into the yard with the rain, only about five or six inches high. The children said that their home was in the southeast of the sea and was scraped here because of the wind and rain. Talk to them and feel that they are quite knowledgeable and that things are said as described in the history books. Record of "Other Kingdoms" In the Han Dynasty, Guo Xian’s "The Others' Caves" contained: "Le Biguo is three inches long, with wings, good words and laughter, because of the name of the country. Chang Qun flies to the sun, the body is hot, Drinking Danlu as a pulp, Danlu, at the beginning of the day, there are demeanor such as beads." Guo Xianji said that there are fewer words in the country, but still a little glimpse, it is exposed in the sun, the body heat is returned, the amount of solar energy intake It seems that the modern qigong masters who practiced with the sun and the moon are connected to each other. They can only explain that they are also together. The record of the villain in Shan Hai Jing "Shan Hai Jing - The Great Wilderness" records that "there is a small country, a famous person." "Shan Hai Jing--The Great Wilderness Southern Scriptures" records that there are "small people, the name of the country." Also wrote: "There are villains, famous people." "Shan Hai Jing··Overseas South Sutra" records that "Zhou Raoguo is in the east, and it is short and has a crown." The record of the villain in "Sou Shen Ji" "Sou Shen Ji" Volume 12 records: "Wang Yi Jianguo four years, Chiyang has a small person, a foot longer, or by car, or walking, holding everything, the size of each is proportional, three days is the end." And at the same time There is a kind of villain called "Qing Ji", who wrote: "Qing Ji", if it is a person, its length is four inches, the clothes are yellow, the crown is yellow, the yellow cover is worn, and the pony is used. The record of the villain in Liezi "Lie Zi Tang asked the fifth" records that "from the east of Zhongzhou, 400,000 miles to get the country. People are one foot five inches long. The northeast is very famous, nine inches long." Records of the villain in "Historical Records" and "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin" "Historical Records Dawan Biography Sixty-three" includes Zhizhi: "The small country is in the southern part of the country, and the talents are three feet. When the crops are harvested, the fear of the cranes is eaten, and Daqin Weizhi, that is, Jiao Yuguo, People are also caves." The book "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin", widely known as Buddhism and foreign scriptures, has always been regarded as an encyclopedia of Buddhism. "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin·Volume 8" refers to foreign map clouds: "Jiao Yi people are six feet long, and the wind is squatting, the leeward is volts, the eyebrows are full, but the wilderness. One said, Jiao Yu is three feet long, its country grass wood summer Dead and winter, go to nine suspects and 30,000 miles." Here, the villain is said to be "three feet long", but it is said that "the fear of the crane eats" contradict each other. Because the three feet are short, they should not be afraid of any birds to swallow. The rest of the books contain only Jiaozuo people. A few inches high, probably because the authors of "Historical Records" and "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin" want to write an authoritative book, and the people who are a few inches tall are so incredible, so they are written in three feet. The Record of the Little Man in the "Shan Hai Jing Hai Jing Xin Xuan Juan" "Shan Hai Jing Hai Jing Xin Xuan Juan" records "Qi Yigong hunting, you have to sing a song, slaughter, you have one person in the middle, three inches and three inches, with a white robes." (6) Record of the villain in Nancun "Nan Cun Cun Geng Lu" was written by Tao Zongyi of the Yuan Dynasty. In the fourteenth volume, he said: At that time, there were individuals selling small people (dry corpses). He (Tao Zongyi) borrowed a glimpse and saw that the little man was only six inches long, but all the characteristics were the same as people. All have urine. According to legend, this villain was contributed by foreign countries a few years ago. After the death of the villain, it was cut open from the back, dug the internal organs, and was filled, stitched and dried. This kind of villain on the tribute to the land, "Hanwu Story" said: In the past, Dongjun County sent a seven-inch short man, also known as "Giant". The record of the villain in "New Harmony" "New Harmony" is written by Yuan Mei (1716·1798), also known as "Zi Bu Yu". Yuan Mei is a poet of the Qing Dynasty. He was a scholar of Jianglong and Lishui, and he has outstanding achievements. The ninth volume of "New Harmony" records that "the four years of Qianlong, the city of Puzhou in Shanxi, the city of the river, the river, the land, the square is like a box. Kaizhi, there are nine in the middle, one in the two, each long The ruler, the old and the young woman is alive, I don’t know what to say." There are records of the villain in so many Chinese ancient books, which is enough to prove that the villain has lived on the earth.

三寸小人的真实记录 不是天方夜谭 小人常在世界各地的传说或现实中出现。 除了巨人的传说外,小人也在世界各地的传说故事中出现。《格列佛游记》中最有趣的故事要算是格列佛在小人国和大人国旅游了。在小人国,人、畜、植物等一切物体的尺寸都只有我们的1/12。而大人国则恰恰相反,所有物体的尺寸是我们的12倍。现在看来这些都不是天方夜谭。 墨西哥发现五千年前小人骨骼 柏林大学的法兰兹博士在调查墨西哥中部附近的洞窟时,挖掘出一些奇怪的东西。他最先发现地面有一个奇怪的图案,便试着往地下挖。这一挖可不得了,竟挖出了一些小小小小的生活用品,还有一些小小小小的装饰品,看起来就像玩具一样。挖到最后,终于出现这些东西的主人,一个小人。这一具骸骨约12公分高,重要的是,这绝对不是一个小孩子的尸体,因为骨骼的样子已经是成人。经科学家研究,证实其年代约在五千年前。 中国四十年代出现的碳黑小人 《求知世界》十七期罗桂生《两个小黑人是何种生物?》一文中说:我家住在广西漓江畔,离桂林不远,记得四十年代的一天中午,我端着饭碗边吃边玩,突然在屋后晒短裤的长凳上,看见从布下走出两个“小黑人”,它们约一寸高,与人体比例相似。全身碳黑,似无穿衣,直立行走。它们走到凳子中央,朝我站着。我举起筷子,它们一齐高举双手。阳光把它们小手指照得清清楚楚。我害怕得很,随手拾起一块石头就朝它们扔去,然后立即跑回屋叫大人出来看,但两个“小黑人”已无影无踪了。 《阅微草堂笔记》关于小人的记载 中国清朝干、嘉时期位高望重的学者、官至礼部尚书的纪晓岚,在其所著《阅微草堂笔记》一书中,有二则关于小人的记载。该书是综述平生见闻而成。因当时纪晓岚以学问文章名重天下,曾主纂《四库全书》,故其记事具可信度。 其中一则关于小人的记载编在该书卷三《滦阳消夏录三》。书中描述了在乌鲁木齐(今迪化县),经常看到身高只有尺许的小人,男女老幼都有。每到红榴树开花时,这些小人便折下榴枝,编成小圈戴在头上,成群结队唱歌跳舞。他们的声音细如鹿鸣,悠扬婉转。有的小人会偷偷走到朝廷驻军的帐篷内偷窃食物,如不小心被抓到,就跪在地上哭泣。若把他们捆绑起来,就绝食而死。假如把他们放了,他们也不敢马上跑开,先慢慢的走数尺远,回过头来看看。若有人追骂他们,马上又跪在地上哭泣。否则便慢慢走远,到了差不多追不上的距离时,就迅速遁入深山中。 清军始终找不到这些小人的居处,也不知他们如何称呼,因为小人喜欢戴红榴,便称之为“红榴娃”。当时丘县(今河南省辉县)丞天锦,奉派巡视牧场,曾抓到一个小人,将他带回去,仔细端详,他们的胡须和毛发都和我们平常人一样,可见不是木魅或山魈之类的妖怪。 另一则小人的记载编在该书卷十八《姑妄听之四》,是清军守将吉木萨描述的。吉木萨说他曾追山雉追到深山中,看到悬崖上好像有人,便越过山涧前往查看,在离地四五丈的地方,看到一个脸上和手足长满寸许长黑毛的人,身着紫色的毛披风,与其对坐烤肉的是一位面貌姣丽、蒙古人样打扮的女子,这位女子没有穿鞋,身着绿色的毛披风。旁边有四五位黑毛人在服侍,他们仅有小孩儿大小,身无寸缕,看到人就嬉笑,说的话既不是蒙古话,也不是其它的方言,如鸟叫,完全听不懂。看此情形,他们并不象妖物,吉木萨就对他们行礼。忽然,从崖上扔下一物,一看是熟的骡肉半肘。就又行礼谢他们,二人皆摇手谓不用谢。那骡肉足供三四日食用。吉木萨后来与牧马人一起重寻旧迹,却找不到了。 《太平广记》关于小人的记载 宋代编的《太平广记》第四百八十卷和第四百八十二卷都记述了一些关于小人的记载: 1.西北海鹤民国 西北海戌亥那地方,有个鹤民国,人身高三寸,但日行千里,步履迅急如飞,却常被海鹤吞食。 他们当中也有君子和小人。如果是君子,天性聪慧机变灵巧,每每因为防备海鹤这种祸患,而经常用木头刻成自身的样子,有时数量达到数百,把它们放置在荒郊野外的水边上。海鹤以为是鹤民,就吞了下去,结果被木人卡死,海鹤就这样上当千百次,以后见到了真鹤民也不敢吞食了。 鹤民大多数都在山涧溪岸的旁边,凿洞建筑城池,有的三十步到五十步长就是一座城,像这样的城不止千万。春天和夏天的时候,鹤民就吃路上的草籽,秋天和冬天就吃草根。到了夏天就裸露着身体,遇到冬天就用小草编衣服穿,也懂得养生之法。 2.人腊 李章武有一个用活人腊制的“人干儿”三寸多长,脑袋、大腿、胸脯都完好无损,眉毛眼睛也很分明,说那就是古代传说中的矮人国──僬侥国的人。 3.堕雨儿 魏时,在河间的王子充家,下雨的时候,有八九个小孩随着雨落到院子里,高只有五六寸左右。小孩们自己说,家在海的东南方,因遇到大风雨,被刮到这里。跟他们谈话,觉得他们颇有知识,所说的事情都像史书上所叙述的那样。 《别国洞冥记》的记载 汉朝郭宪的《别国洞冥记》中载:“勒毕国人长三寸,有翼、善言语戏笑,因名善语国。常群飞往日下自曝,身热乃归,饮丹露为浆,丹露者,日初出有露计如珠也。”郭宪记述勒毕国人文字较少,但仍略窥一斑,其于日下自曝,身热乃归,摄取太阳能量,似与面日月练功的现代气功师灵性相通,只能说明,同归一道也。 《山海经》里关于小人的记载 《山海经--大荒东经》记载“有小人国,名靖人。” 《山海经--大荒南经》记载“有小人,名曰焦侥之国”。又写道:“有小人,名曰菌人。” 《山海经··海外南经》记载“周饶国在东,其为人短小,冠带。” 《搜神记》里关于小人的记载 《搜神记》卷十二记载:“王莽建国四年,池阳有小人景,长一尺余,或乘车,或步行,操持万物,大小各自相称,三日乃止。”并同时记载有一种小人叫“庆忌”,写道:“庆忌”者,其状若人,其长四寸,衣黄衣,冠黄冠,戴黄盖,乘小马,好疾驰。 《列子》里关于小人的记载 《列子·汤问第五》记载“从中州以东四十万里得憔侥国。人长一尺五寸。东北极有人名曰诤人,长九寸。” 《史记》和《法苑珠林》中关于小人的记载 《史记·大宛列传第六十三》括地志云:“小人国在大秦南,人才三尺,其耕稼之时,惧鹤所食,大秦卫助之,即焦侥国,其人穴居也。” 《法苑珠林》一书,广罗众多的佛教经论和外典俗书,向来被视为佛教百科全书。《法苑珠林·卷八》引外国图云:“焦侥国人长尺六寸,迎风则偃,背风则伏,眉目具足,但野宿。一说,焦侥长三尺,其国草木夏死而冬生,去九疑三万里。” 这里将小人说成“长三尺”,但又说“惧鹤所食”互相矛盾,因三尺虽短,也应不用怕任何鸟类吞吃,其它书中所载焦侥国人都只有数寸高,可能因为《史记》和《法苑珠林》的作者要写一部权威性的书籍,而数寸高之人实在太不可思议,因而写成三尺。 《山海经海经新释卷一》里关于小人的记载 《山海经海经新释卷一》记载“齐桓公猎,得一鸣鹄,宰之,嗉中得一人,长三寸三分,着白圭之袍”。 (六)《南村辍耕录》里关于小人的记载 《南村辍耕录》是元朝的陶宗仪所写。其第十四卷中说:当时有个人在卖小人人腊(干尸),他(陶宗仪)借来一瞧,见那小人身长只有六寸多一点,但一切特征跟人无异,连小便都有。相传这小人是几年前外国贡献的,小人死后,才从背后剖开,挖去内脏,经过充填、缝合、烘干成的。这种外地贡上的小人,《汉武故事》就说过:以前东郡有人送过一个七寸短人,还名叫“巨灵”。 《新齐谐》里关于小人的记载 《新齐谐》是袁枚(1716·1798)所写,又名《子不语》。袁枚是清代诗人,乾隆进士,曾任江宁、溧水等地知县,政绩卓著。 《新齐谐》第九卷记载道“乾隆四年,山西蒲州修城,掘河滩土,得一棺,方扁如箱。启之,中有九槅,一槅藏二人,各长尺许,老幼男妇如生,不知何怪。” 这么多中国古籍里都有关于小人的记载,足以证实小人曾在地球上生存。 昕玉轩老翠祥珠宝玉器行®梵宸铭钰---名客网 Bright Jadeites Palace Jewelry Ltd. Co.
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昕玉轩珠宝玉器行[诚信商家]值得信任!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.!
昕玉轩珠宝玉器行[诚信商家]值得信任!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.! 欢迎来到昕玉轩珠宝玉器行!昕玉轩专营翡翠原料、赌石、设计、镶嵌、定制、一级批发、零售等,缅甸翡翠A货精品、和阗美玉、和田玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行微信:ilovethegod . Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.! 昕玉轩珠宝玉器行[诚信商家]值得信任!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.!
昕玉轩珠宝玉器行[诚信商家]值得信任!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.!
昕玉轩珠宝玉器行[诚信商家]值得信任!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.! 欢迎来到昕玉轩!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.! 昕玉轩珠宝玉器行[诚信商家]值得信任!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.!
欢迎来到昕玉轩!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.!
  昕玉轩客服中心 德音 诚信商家昕玉轩  洵美 诚信商家昕玉轩 售后服务中心 馨雅 感谢您惠顾昕玉轩珠宝玉器行

欢迎来到昕玉轩!昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货、和阗美玉、优质水晶、华贵碧玺、琥珀银饰、天然珍稀奇石及其它玉器珍宝系列,昕玉轩主营翡翠批发、翡翠零售、和田玉批发、和田玉零售、碧玺批发、碧玺零售、银饰批发、银饰零售、桃木挂件批发、绿檀木挂件批发、水晶批发、水晶零售等业务,昕玉轩按照现代企业管理方法,以人为本,切实把关,诚信优质,以最优惠商品价格回馈广大客户!更多珠宝新品每日陆续上架中,敬请期待!昕玉轩感谢您的光临!Welcome to BJAH LTD. Co.(Brilliant Jadeite Jade Article Hall Ltd.Co.)! BJAH LTD. Co. is specialized in Burma Jade of A level, and Chinese jade, high-quality crystal, luxurious tourmaline, and amber, silver Jewelry, natural rare rocks and other jade treasure and Jade article series. BJAH LTD. Co. is accordance with the way of modern enterprise management; take the most favorable prices to repay for every customer! More and more new Jewelry will add to our catalog in a day after another, so look forward it please! Thank you for your visit to BJAH LTD. Co.!

文 苑 閣:珠 寶 玉 器 知 識 堂  昕玉軒珠寶玉器行 特別奉獻



★  天赐之石 巴林石 巴林福黄 巴林福黄冻 鸡血石


★  玉中之王 缅甸翡翠 


★  软玉之王 新疆和田玉(和阗玉) 


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吸收光谱:翡翠特征谱。 结构:纤维交织结构。

珠宝玉器检验证书 样例照片对比说明



昕玉轩珠宝玉器行专营缅甸翡翠A货 和田美玉 优质碧玺 水晶极品奇石及其它玉器珍宝,行家坐镇,切实把关, 诚信为本!



精选的上乘玉石原料 精工细作 严格的产品检验流程


昕玉轩汇集了各种天然翡翠等玉石珍品,本着传承中华文化之“礼 义 忠 信 诚”之优良传统的理念,昕玉轩的缅甸翡翠A货和和田美玉玉器商品的原料均为纯天然玉石,翡翠为缅甸北部雾潞河畔所产的天然A货翡翠,昕玉轩的玉器件件独特、件件称心,必将给您带来连连好运、让您成为生活 事业和爱情的幸运者和成功人士!



昕玉轩珠宝玉器行 支持见面交易






天赐之石巴林石  昕玉轩珠宝玉器行友情提供

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玉中之王--翡翠  昕玉轩珠宝玉器行友情提供


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软玉之王--和阗玉(和田玉)  昕玉轩珠宝玉器行友情提供


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微信: ilovethegod   昕玉轩客服经理QQ:237430142

欢 迎 来 到 昕 玉 轩!Welcome to BJAH Ltd.Co.



昕玉軒老翠祥梵宸銘鈺 天然翡翠a货正阳绿紫罗兰色翡色冰种 冰玻种干净青爽高冰种五彩手链手珠手环 饱满水润 色泽艳丽 18k金钻石镶嵌 No.172013999

昕玉軒老翠祥梵宸銘鈺 天然翡翠a货新货正阳绿色 收藏級滿綠色祖母綠绿蛋面吊坠 完美 宝石裸石尺 寸 18-15.8-7mm No.192343980 Natural jadeite jewelry, a grade, new product, bright, pure green, collectible, full of green, like emerald color, green, oval, perfect pendant, precious jewel Stone size